CES登場LG推全球首款透明電視 膠囊機90秒可出冰淇淋
「 美國消費性電子展」(Consumer Electronics Show,CES)9日在賭城拉斯維加斯(Las Vegas)盛大開幕,參展項目琳瑯滿目,台灣也有不少大廠參加,堪稱科技業的巴黎時裝秀。外媒為消費者選出各式獵奇產品,包括南韓科技大廠LG端出的全球首款無線透明OLED 電視「OLED T」、日本Sony公布的沉浸式空間內容製作系統新頭戴裝置、奧地利電視品牌C-Seed的可折疊Micro LED 電視等。2024/01/10 13:49 -
Major trends for consumer electronics show IFA 2023 unveiled
The world’s largest trade show for consumer electronics and home appliances, IFA (Internationale Funkausstellung Berlin), is set to take place in Berlin, Germany from Sept. 1-5. With travel picking up, this nearly century-old expo expects to draw around 200,000 visitors and has designated Taipei as the premier promotional city in Asia.2023/06/01 17:47 -
Taiwan F&B businesses display innovative products at CES
Many Taiwanese food and beverage (F&B) companies have put their latest products on display at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, U.S.2023/01/10 19:58 -
Meet Adam, the cutest bartender robot at CES, Las Vegas
The 2023 Consumer Electronics Show shined a spotlight on sophisticated robotics, including the newest addition to robotic bartending — Adam.2023/01/07 18:50 -
Foxconn-led MIH to set up innovation hub in Ohio
The MIH Consortium, an electric vehicle alliance led by Foxconn, vehicle alliance led by Foxconn, aims to set up an innovation hub in Ohio.2023/01/07 18:48 -
Nearly 100 exhibitors from Taiwan attending CES in Las Vegas
More than 100 exhibitors from Taiwan are attending this week’s Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas.2023/01/05 15:56 -
美CES電子展將登場 智慧硬體設備成主流
美國消費電子展(Consumer Electronics Show)9日至12日將在拉斯維加斯登場,賦予裝置大腦將成為熱門主題,大小製造商紛紛搶攻「智慧型」硬體設備。2018/01/03 15:05